Newspaper Articles

Indian Peace Pipe Is Found In Washington County

IMG_8930Hillsborough Church, near Willisburg, Washington County, Kentucky.

from The Springfield Sun, March 28, 1935

Curio Discovered by Willisburg Man Several Days Ago Estimated To Be More Than 150 Years Old; is Fine Speciman

Another curio came to light in Washington County a few days ago when Mr. J. C. Jenkins found an Indian peace pipe on his farm near Willisburg.  The pipe is estimated to more than 150 years old, and in spite of the fact that it has lain in the earth for over a century, is in a splendid state of preservation.

The old pipe measures 10 inches in length.  The stem is about 4 inches in circumference at the largest point and tapers down to about 1 1/2 inches at the smoking end.  At the opposite end is a neatly carved squirrel’s head.  The bowl measures 1 1/4 inches across and is 2 inches deep.  The stone from which the pipe was carved is not found in this section of the country.

It is probable that the peace pipe was once the property of an Indian chief.  In early times the Indians came to these parts for their annual hunts.  Their favorite grounds for camping during the hunting season was in the neighborhood of Hillsboro Church.  The spot where Mr. Jenkins found the peace pipe is about one mile in a straight line from the church.  Many other curios of Indian days have been found in the same neighborhood.

Mr. Jenkins brought his find to The Sun office and exhibited to a number of friends in this city.  He prizes the relic very highly.

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