Family Stories

I Am Retired!

IMG_8562 3Good morning!  As of this morning, but officially not until January 1st, I am retired from my job as finance officer and food service director for the Burgin Board of Education.  I have been there for twenty-five years and loved every minute of my job!  But now it is time to branch off into another section of life.  Just think how much more time I will have for genealogy research and sharing information with you!  I’m so excited!  Ritchey has been retired for three years, so now we will have more time together.  In addition to genealogy I will have more time for photography, cooking, reading, arts and crafts!  This is why my Frenzied Friday post was short and sweet – there have been so many receptions and parties – and I’m getting ready to go to another in just a few minutes!  Happy Saturday!

20 replies »

  1. Congratulations, Phyllis! I can highly recommend retirement — now you can do what you want when you want.

  2. Wow, wow, wow! Just think! More relaxation time! More time for your husband (who told me you’re retiring, btw, when he recently answered my email to you, thank you!). More time for US and Ky.Kindred. So wonderful, esp since you look so young and energetic to do such things. More power to you, Phyllis!

  3. Congratulations, to you!!! What a wonderful way to start your Holiday. I have enjoyed your genealogy posts very much. Even though I may not be related to everyone you show research for, I finding bits and pieces that are valuable to my own research.

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    Hi Phyllis – Congratulations and Best Wishes for you since you can now really focus on your love of ancestry. Thanks for your help a few years back.

    Cousin Dick

  5. I am so excited for you!! You will love it more than you loved your job!!! Now I can come down and we can do some more research and have fun. We do have a Moran that fought and died in Franklin and I have wanted to go down there. His name is Charles F Moran son of Henry E Moran. Merry Christmas and may the new year be filled with lots of success stories on our families! Love Joy

  6. That is awesome, I truly know, as I am a retired school cafeteria worker…my sweetie and I (who retired this year), are so grateful to be where we are…and yet thankful to God for our all working years,…Merry Christmas , and Happy New Year wishing you all the best .

  7. Phyllis, how wonderful. How you have managed all of this for all of us and continued to work, you are a power house. Blessings to you and this is just great. Enjoy those luncheons and teas, how lovely that you have so many that love you. And, Merry Christmas to you and Ritchey. Enjoy your new year of lots of time together and may it be filled with good health, much happiness and finding lots of goodies. Thank you for all the two of you do. Congratulations. Patty

  8. Congratulations! I am thrilled you will have more time dedicated to genealogy. I so enjoy your posts & photos.

  9. Congratulations. I am so glad that you will have more time for other things you enjoy. I have been retired for 20 years and have enjoyed every minute of it. You will probably wonder how you had time to work after a while. Enjoy! Marilyn

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