Genealogy Ramblings

Early Obituaries

Springfield City Cemetery

In my opinion, obituaries today are far to bland and boring.  Yes, they give names and dates, and even though those are very important, they give nothing to the reader of the deceased’s life or character.  Obituaries of the late 19th and early 20th centuries are far more interesting.  They tend to make people come alive – you can picture these people in your mind – it makes you want to know and love them.

The following is from The Springfield Sun from the year 1916.  Benjamin Edwards was a son of Jonathon Joseph Edwards (who is buried in the Linton Cemetery) and grandson of Edward Barber Edwards – one of the early settlers who moved to Kentucky from Loudoun County, Virginia.  Edward married Nancy Linton, a daughter of Captain John.

The Springfield Sun,  February 1916

Death Claims Several of the Best Known Citizens of the County During the Past Week


News of the death of Ben Edwards, which was circulated this morning, came as a shock to many friends in Washington County who had know and liked him for many years.  Mr. Edwards had been in bad health for several years and for some time had been practically confined to his room at the home of Edgar Linton where he lived, but it was not generally known that he was in danger of immediate death.  Death came in the early hours of Wednesday morning.  The funeral service was conducted at the Methodist church, of which Mr. Edwards was a member, this afternoon and the remains interred on Cemetery Hill.  In the absence of Mr. Coward, the Pastor, Mr. Lawson conducted the service.

Mr. Edwards was one of the best known men of the county.  He was born here seventy years ago and had spent his entire life in this county where he engaged in farming.  He was straightforward and honest and had the respect of all who knew him.  Mr. Edwards married many years ago and was preceded to the grave several years ago by his wife, Mrs. Lucy Edwards.  The nearest of kin surviving are cousins.  His grandfather moved to this county from Virginia one hundred years ago this year, and settled in the house where Mr. Edwards died.  He is the last member of the Edwards family.

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