
Wayne N. Stevens Obituary

The Ohio County News, Hartford, Kentucky

Wednesday, June 12, 1918

Bright’s Disease Fatal

To Wayne N. Stevens, Who Passed Away at Battle Creek, Michigan, Thursday Night

Thursday night about 12 o’clock death claimed Wayne N. Stevens, age 55, one of the best known farmers of Ohio County, when he succumbed to Bright’s disease at a sanatorium in Battle Creek, Michigan, where he had gone about three weeks before in an effort to get relief from the malady which was sapping his life away.

Mr. Stevens had been a sufferer from the ailment which ultimately caused his death, for quite a while, but he had been confined to his bed only a short time.

He was a member of Hartford Lodge No. 675, F. & A.M., and also a Knight Templar and a Shriner.

Besides his wife, who before her marriage was a Miss [Magnolia] Renfrow, he is survived by his mother, Mrs. Creasy Stevens, and one brother, Lon Stevens.

The funeral, which occurred at the Stevens home, a few miles north of town, and the burial at Alexander school house, was attended by one of the largest crowds ever brought together on a similar occasion in Ohio County.  Fully five hundred people were present to pay the last tribute of respect and honor to this well-known and well-beloved Ohio County citizen.

The funeral at the home was conducted by Rev. A. D. Litchfield, pastor of the Hartford Methodist Church, after which the remains were taken in charge by the Hartford Lodge of Masons, assisted by Masons from various lodges over the county, and laid to rest with Masonic honors by the side of loved ones in Alexander Cemetery.

Wayne N. Stevens, November 9, 1863 – June 17, 1918.  Alexander Cemetery, Ohio County, Kentucky.

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