Old Photos

Happy Wedding Day – 1903

A lovely wedding photo to share with you today.  There are no names, but the marriage date is written on back – September 22, 1903.  The bride’s dress is beautiful in its simplicity.  Her gauzy veil is floor length and she carries white gloves.  The groom looks considerably older – but as I have seen many times in my research it is not surprising for the groom to be 15 or 20 years older than the bride.  He sits in a very ornate chair, of the time period.

6 replies »

  1. I agree on your research re older grooms. I also read that in the 1890s and beyond, young girls sometimes married the elderly Union veterans as security. He then had someone to care for him in his old age and she, when he died, had the use of his military pension for her lifetime. Have you found that to be accurate?

  2. Wow, he looks more like her father. Their hands aren’t even touching in the photo. You’re probably correct, but how sad this picture looks.

    Times have changed…..

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