Old Photos

Post Civil War Era Photographs – Circa 1868

Today I share two photographs most likely taken after the Civil War.  There are still the large, voluminous skirts, and hoops underneath.  The 1870’s brought in the slimmer style skirts with a bustle in back.  The beautiful woman in the above photograph is still showing large bishop sleeves, but the high waist is definitely a post war fashion.  The fabric of her dress is a beautiful pattern.  A very simple background is also indicative of the 1860’s.

Our next photograph shows a woman with a very large skirt.  It probably seems more so since she is sitting.  Her large over-sleeves show off a white under-sleeve.  Note the pattern in the material, subtle but beautiful.  This woman’s hair is parted in the middle and drawn back, more distinct than in the first photo.  Her dangling earrings show her wealth, as does her dress.

No names on either photograph.  Which is your favorite?

1 reply »

  1. The first one, so young and beautiful! I prefer the sleeves and the simplicity of the first dress, also.

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