
John Cecil Davis Obituary

from SWS, Harrodsburg, Mercer County, Kentucky

Mr. John C. Davis, a prosperous farmer, residing five or six miles north east of town, committed suicide, yesterday morning, about 6 o’clock, by shooting himself in the heart with a shot gun.  He had been, for a month or more, afflicted with the grip and was demented at the time he took his own life.  At the February term of the Mercer Circuit Court, he attended as one of the trial jury, and the exposure during the cold weather was too great for his constitution.  He was sixty-three years old and leaves a wife and six children, four daughters and two sons.  A brother, Mr. George Davis, of Perryville, and a sister, Mrs. Malinda Ashford, survive him.  He was in good circumstances and his family relations most pleasant, and dementia, produced by the grip, is the cause of his lamentable act.

Mr. John Cecil Davis is buried in Spring Hill Cemetery in Harrodsburg, Kentucky.

John Cecil Davis, November 2, 1835 – March 31, 1899

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