Family Stories

Julia Anne Murphy Sherrod Pace – American Indian


This blog was written by my good friend, Claudia Randolph, who loves genealogy as much as I!  I was thrilled to see this photo of her gr-gr-grandmother, Julia Ann Sherrod Pace.  Julia is very beautiful.  I mentioned to Claudia that this photo reminds me of one I have of my gr-gr-gr-grandfather, John Cotton Taylor – since it almost looks like a drawing rather than a photo.
This is my maternal G-G Grandmother Julia Ann Sherrod Pace.Birth: Jun. 2, 1831
Death: Apr. 2, 1880Julia Ann Sherrod Pace…… Cherokee Indian 1833 ,

Written by Claudia Randolph – GG-granddaughter of Julia Ann PacePer our grandmother, Linnie Edith Davis Vaughn, granddaughter of Julia Ann. Her grandfather, William L. Pace, husband of Julia Ann…told her the story about Julia Ann being Cherokee Indian. He said she was adopted by the Sherrod family as a small child.In 1833 a terrible cholera epidemic swept through Kentucky. It infected the Cherokee settlement in Todd county. Julia was the only surviving member of her family. The Sherrod family adopted her.

As for proof: I feel the story passed from WL Pace, her husband to his daughter, Ludie Oliver, to her daughter Linnie to her children and grandchildren is very compelling.  History proves there was a cholera epidemic in 1833.  Julia would have been two years old at that time.  We also have the following, transcribed from the back of the marriage bond of William L. Pace and Julia Anne Sherrod Pace, February 1, 1863:

State of Kentucky, Muhlenberg County.  I, W. L. Pace do certify that I am about 25 years of age, that I have been married once before, that I was born in Bedford County, Tennessee.  That my father, Richard Pace, was born in North Carolina; that Julianne Murphy was born in Todd County, Kentucky; that she is about 31 years of age.  She has been married once before.  That her parents are native citizens of the United States.  That I expect to marry this February 1, 1863. (Signed) W L Pace

(Signed) Samuel Pace & authority – can’t read nameWe showed a professional historian and genealogist this document.  She told us, in her opinion, this meant Julia Ann’s parents were native Americans.DNA Report of Jane Latham Springer, Great granddaughter of Nannie Roma Pace. Daughter of Julia Anne Pace. Sunday, September 12, 2010.

” I have been working with mtDNA test results. My maternal line – which I believe would be the same as yours – tested with the Haplogroup J. Native American heritage tests with Haplogroups A, B, C, D, and sometimes X.”

— with Jerry Garrett.

1 reply »

  1. What a wonderful picture and story, with that validation. My, that doesn’t happen often. Thank you for sharing this.

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