Newspaper Articles

Life in Bourbon County in 1897

If you’ve ever wondered what life was like in earlier years, just go to the local newspapers, read the interesting tidbits of the day!  From small towns like Paris, Kentucky, you will get an idea that life was much like today, perhaps at just a gentler pace!

from The Bourbon News, Paris, Kentucky

Friday, December 10, 1897

The News has been shown two interesting relics in the shape of money used in bygone days. One piece was a $7 Continental bill, issued in 1777, promising to pay seven Spanish mill dollars. It was given by Matt Scott, of Lexington, to W. T. Ingels, who gave it to J. S. Vimont, of Millersburg. The other relic was a $3 bank note issued December 30, 1809, by Hinkston Exporting Co., (of Millersburg) to John S. Vimont. The note, on which was engraved a saw mill, was signed by James McClelland, President, and Robert E. Miller, cashier, (son of John Miller, founder of Millersburg), and bore the number 1316. Robert E. Miller was the grandfather of Horace Miller, of this city, and was a relative of Mrs. W. M. Parnell, A. T. Forsyth, Misses Nannie and Annie Miller, and also of the editors and owners of The News. The relics are owned by Mrs. Sue Sandusky, of Millersburg. The bank was in the house now occupied by Martin Layson, and during high waters the company shipped lumber and farm products down Hinston to Licking, the Ohio and Mississippi, to New Orleans.

Nuptial Knots

Engagements, Announcements and Solemnizations of the Marriage Vows

  • Daniel Coleman Dejarnette and Miss Nannie Willis were married Wednesday at Richmond.
  • Hugh Stevens and Miss Martha Gay, of Mt. Sterling, eloped yesterday to Jeffersonville and were married.
  • The engagement is announced of Miss Theodosia Leavell, of Richmond, to Matt Curry Mays, of Washington County.
  • The Courier-Journal says that Frank S. Napper and Miss Minnie Cumbitt, elopers from this city, were married Wednesday at Jeffersonville.
  • Squire Singleton, of Covington, has just entered on the Cambell County records fifty secret marriages which he has performed since August. Most of the couple were from Ohio.
  • and Mrs. J. A. Trimble have issued invitations to the marriage of their daughter, Miss Nina Belle, to Mr. Roger H. Burris, at the North Middletown Christian Church, next Wednesday afternoon at half-past two o’clock.
  • Miss Mary Stuart, a native of this county, and a lovely niece of Mr. John Stuart, of this city, was married Wednesday at her home in Lebanon, Ohio, to Mr. W. A. Newman, of Lexington, Kentucky. Mrs. John Stuart, who has been in Lebanon for several days, attended the wedding which was a quiet home event.

Fire at White’s Distillery

At three o’clock yesterday morning a fire of unknown origin destroyed the extensive cattle sheds at the G. G. White distillery in East Paris. The loss will be about $3,000. The sheds were insured for about $1,500. It is thought that the fire was caused by the carelessness of a tramp sleeping in the sheds. It is understood that the cattle pens will be rebuilt at once. The fire department responded to the alarm but could do little to subdue the fire which gained great headway because of delay in sending in the alarm from box 12.


News Notes Gathered In and About the ‘Burg

  • Charles Thomas is still quite ill with the grippe.
  • John Connell and son, of Paris, are guests of Mrs. Anna Thornton.
  • Miss Carrie Current is visiting her sister, Mrs. James Cray, near Mt. Olivet.
  • Miss Maggie Clark, of Louisville, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Robert Miller.
  • Miss Ella Hurt left yesterday for Paintsville, Kentucky, where she will teach school.
  • John Peed and wife went to Mayslick, Tuesday, to attend the burial of Dr. Parry.
  • James A. Butler and wife and T. D. Judy and wife are in Cincinnati buying holiday goods.
  • John R. Adair, of Paris, was here Wednesday, and will establish a branch dental parlor here.
  • V. Shaw and John and Owen Ingels went to Robertson County, Tuesday, to hunt birds.
  • The marriage of Miss Ora Curtis, of this place, to Mr. Walter Green, of Mt. Olivet, will occur on Wednesday, December 15th.
  • The ladies of the Christian Church netted twenty dollars at their supper, Saturday night, notwithstanding the rain.
  • Layson Tarr took a number of young gents and ladies on a hay ride Monday night. Miss Lucylee Allen entertained the party to oysters on their return.
  • Miss Virgil Hudson, a former M. F. C. student, lately a teacher at Monticello, Arkansas, was a few days since wedded to a gentleman connected with a theatrical company.

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