
Dr. Aquilla Talbott Obituary – Fayette County

Dr. Aquilla Talbott, December 17, 1838 – September 3, 1907.  Sallie J. Head, his wife, January 13, 1839 – August 2, 1909.  Lexington Cemetery, Fayette County, Kentucky.

The Courier-Journal, Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky

Wednesday, September 4, 1907

Dr. Aquilla Talbott, one of the best-known physicians of Lexington, and an ex-Confederate soldier, died at his residence in this city at 6 o’clock this morning.  Dr. Talbott had been in bad health from a complication of kidney and stomach diseases for several months.  Yesterday afternoon he felt so ill that he went home about 1 o’clock and retired, hoping that he would feel better after a night’s rest.  he, however, grew gradually worse until he expired this morning.  Dr. Talbott was born in Bourbon County in 1838.  When he was seventeen years old the family moved to Franklin County, where he grew to manhood.  When Bragg’s army invaded Kentucky he joined Scott’s Louisiana cavalry and served with that organization until the close of the war.  In 1870 he came to Lexington and began the practice of medicine, in which he gained a wide acquaintance and popularity.

The funeral services will be held at the family residence tomorrow afternoon at 3 o’clock, the Rev. Preston Blake officiating.  The interment will be in the Lexington Cemetery.  The pallbearers will be as follows:  W. H. Snyder, Shelby Kinkead and Ben T. Head, of Lexington; J. S. Head, Jr., Ashland, Ky.; R. C. Head, of Louisville and Augustus Talbott of Paris, Ky.

The Frankfort Roundabout, Franklin County, Kentucky

Saturday, September 7, 1907

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